That was pretty much amazing, im going to add you to my faves!!
everything was perfect, i loved the special effects, i like the whole concept, and paragorn rules!danger ahead, i loved the graphics, if you ask me though, i think that the animation, well it was all a bit "staight", i mean it was all solid, but i loved that, it was a lot better than ever changing shapes, nice style!!
positive:all the above, everything was perfect, and it doesnt need humor, or interactivity!!
negative:poninjas???i think thats a really cool name, but now youve got me singing pononinjas in my head.................
improvements:make another one, longer, and the bossbattles need to be more, you know, a once in a lifetime experiance, maybe you could have a super ninja, and they fight for a coulpe of minutes, including loads of cool effects!!